Setting new standards in regulatory technology

Accessibility Statement

We have designed this website with all users in mind and are committed to making the information and resources that you find here inclusive and accessible.

Accessibility features

Access keys

Access keys are keyboard-based shortcuts. Important navigation links on this website have shortcut keys to enable quick access:

  • Key 1 will select Home
  • Key 2 will select Solutions
  • Key 3 will select Plans
  • Key 4 will select Insights
  • Key 5 will select About
  • Key 6 will select Get Started

The way to activate the access key depends on the browser and its platform:

Safari (Mac)Control + Option + Key
Safari (Windows)Alt + Key
Google Chrome (Mac)Control + Alt + Key
Google Chrome (Windows)Alt + Shift + Key
Firefox (Mac)Control + Option + Key
Firefox (Windows)Alt + Shift + Key
Edge (Windows)Alt + Key
Opera (Mac)Control + Alt + Key
Opera (Windows)Alt + Key

Unfortunately, not all browsers support access keys.

Semantic HTML elements

Pages are structured with semantic HTML elements such as header, main, section, article and footer. This will help give screen readers context.


Pages begin with a H1 heading and follow a logical order.


Colours have been tested to have a minimum contrast level of "AA".

Screen readers

Aria-labels have been used where required to make sure screen readers have a enjoyable user experience. Embedded code from third party providers have been given a title attribute that should give screen readers some context.

Alternative content

Images and media are described with text equivalents to ensure everyone can access this type of content.

Reduced motion

Animations will not show if the "prefers reduced motion" flag is enabled.

Working together for a better user experience

We actively improve the content and accessibility features on our website on a regular basis. Should you have any difficulty accessing the information, or have any suggestions on how we might improve its accessibility, please contact us.