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Jersey TechAwards 2020

Vaiie was delighted to be one of the key category sponsors in this year's Digital Jersey Tech Awards.

 Photograph of Jersey TechAwards 2020

These awards celebrate the very best of Jersey’s digital talent, creativity, and entrepreneurship, and this year the awards received the highest number of nominations, totalling 107 entries across the 13 categories.

Sponsoring the Junior Technology Student of the Year award was important to Vaiie as we want to celebrate and encourage young adults in tech. The Junior Technology Student of the Year is a school pupil who shows exceptional aptitude, ability and/or interest in technology.

Business generally is all about problem-solving and your approach to solving the problem that’s been set. What’s important for us in this category is to see a unique approach to solving a problem.

Lee Bosio
Managing Director

The nominees were:

  • Ailish O’Connor (Beaulieu School)
  • Vanya Ramanathan (Beaulieu School)
  • Harvey Murtagh (Les Quennevais School)

A huge well done to Harvey Murtagh from Les Quennevais School for winning this award for his solar panelled portable charger.