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Vaiie and JerseyMe: enabling online identity for Islanders

The Jersey Post Group introduces JerseyMe, a safe and seamless identity verification solution for all Islanders

 Photograph of Vaiie and JerseyMe: enabling online identity for Islanders

Islanders are increasingly looking for solutions that allow them to manage their services easily, securely and at a time and place that suits them.

This especially applies to government services where Islanders want, and expect, to access services such as their income tax return online. Trusted identity verification plays a key role in creating a secure online environment through which these services can be accessed.

Identifying the need for a solution to support Islanders, local regtech firm Vaiie and the Government of Jersey collaborated to provide a solution that both increased the accessibility of government services to more Islanders while offering the highest standards of customer experience in terms of speed and ease of use.

The result was a new digital ID verification tool called JerseyMe. This tool provides all Islanders with secure and easy-to-use access services such as their income tax return online.

What is JerseyMe?

JerseyMe is a web-based solution based on Vaiie technology and adapted for the government, which allows Islanders to control their own identity verification experience. Through the simple interface, Islanders can use their internet-enabled device with a camera and microphone to complete the process to set up a JerseyMe account.

The platform uses Vaiie’s Identify product to verify the individual’s identity with fast, secure and easy-to-use ID authentication, facial recognition and liveness checking to safely and securely provide access to the government’s online services.

All Islanders need is their passport, email address and mobile phone to register and JerseyMe will easily guide the user through the set up and verification process.

How does JerseyMe support Islanders?

JerseyMe is a digital ID verification tool that is not only created in the Island but is also owned by the government. As a result, it provides an easy-to-use tailored solution to the government  by:

1) Giving Islanders control

JerseyMe allows Islanders to control their own identity verification experience. Through the simple interface, Islanders can easily and seamlessly complete the process to set up a JerseyMe account.

2) Delivering fast, secure and easy-to-use ID authentication

The platform uses Vaiie’s Identify product to verify the individual’s identity safely and securely using tools that can verify against 12,000 ID templates from 247 countries and territories.

3) Creating secure ID-authentication for all

Secure ID-authentication is not just limited to those with online access. Through Vaiie’s position as part of the Jersey Post Group, Islanders can access these services with the assistance of in-person support.

Providing support for all Islanders

An essential element of the collaboration was to ensure that JerseyMe could be used by all Islanders, not just those with online access. Accessibility was central to the development of JerseyMe and significant testing took place to make sure the solution was not only fit for purpose but was customer-centric in its ease of use.

Robust testing to ensure the identity verification solution was fast, secure and easy to use from day one was just the beginning. To be truly accessible to the whole community, there needed to be both an online and real-world delivery of JerseyMe’s solution to ensure no Islander was left behind.

Islanders with access to an internet-enabled device with a camera and microphone can follow the simple interface to complete the process to set up a JerseyMe account. However, those without access to this technology are still able to access this service.

Through Vaiie’s position as part of the Jersey Post Group, JerseyMe provides customers with phone and in-person support at Broad Street Post Office and with telephone support through the Jersey Post customer care team. Dedicated staff members can help customers to set up their JerseyMe account if they don’t have a device with a camera or smartphone. Even the desks and technology used are height-adjustable.

Vaiie and the Government of Jersey also worked with 4insight, Autism Jersey and Enable during the development stage to ensure the service is inclusive for those who may require additional support.

Find out more

Developing this web-based and device agnostic solution through collaboration between Vaiie and the Government of Jersey provides a number of benefits not just in delivering this project, but future initiatives in both organisations.

The approach taken also means JerseyMe and the technology used through Vaiie’s Identify product is well positioned to adapt to future changes in regulations.

JerseyMe meets the guidelines provided by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) who lead global action to tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing.

FATF guidelines require digital ID to be reliable, independent, and authorised by Government for use in customer due diligence.

As a result, Vaiie customers can be assured that Identify, the product that supports JerseyMe, already meets international standards in this regard.

If you would like to find out more about Vaiie or the ways in which our Identify product can support you in accurately verifying your customer identities and improving your customer onboarding experience, please contact us.

Article taken from the Jersey Evening Post supplement "Care in the Community" which was first published on 09/06/2023.

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